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So, you’ve decided to start a podcast. Except, you’ve probably noticed a growing trend on social media of podcasters filming their recordings.

What’s this trend about?
Does filming a podcast help it reach more people?
The answer is a resounding yes!

Drop the mic and get dressed, it’s time to find out why podcast filming is now an essential part of the podcast recording process.     

Here we’ll show you the top 5 reasons to video your podcast recording, an example of what those videos can do, and we’ll help you get started on skyrocketing your podcast engagement!

5 reasons a video podcast is a good idea

  1. Podcast filming helps it reach more people. A traditional audio podcast is limited to RSS distribution on platforms like iTunes and Spotify. But recording video along with audio will help you reach a wider audience by increasing your discoverability across video platforms and search engines. Adding captions will also boost your podcast’s appeal and can provide SEO benefits.
  2. To help you promote your podcast on social media. Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are all about visuals, so it’s hard to market your podcast without some sort of visual aspect.

By filming your podcast you’ll have video to help you promote upcoming episodes, which can then be shared by your followers. This is especially important when you consider TikTok videos and Instagram Reels are the best ways to boost engagement and please the algorithm.      

A great example of how podcast filming helps gain fans

As we’ve discussed, podcast filming allows new followers to find you by extending your reach. A great example is The Imperfects podcast, which consistently ranks in Australia’s top 10 podcasts.  

While it runs for more than an hour, short snippets of video featuring their guests are shown to their more than 60 thousand Instagram followers to promote each episode. This allows them to choose emotive or funny anecdotes to draw listeners in and make them want to hear more. Seeing the podcasters’ faces and that of their guests also helps them gain trust and credibility.

So, while people don’t visit podcast apps for videos, The Imperfects podcast shows that harnessing the power of social media with podcast videos can be an effective tool for gaining more listeners.

Why a studio is the best place for podcast filming and recording

The production values of your audio podcast and video are a reflection of your brand. To get it right, you’ll need a professional-looking space, lighting, one or more cameras, and editing software. But these are all investments that might be better outsourced.

Hiring a podcast recording studio that’s set up specifically for podcast filming is a wise investment. To give your podcast a professional look and feel, it’s also a great idea to hire a content creation team to help you with the process of filming, editing, and marketing your podcast.

Make the most of your efforts with professional podcast video filming on the Sunshine Coast

On the Sunshine Coast, All In Creative should be your first point of call when it comes to turning your podcast into a more professional production. Our Sunshine Coast podcast studio right in the heart of Maroochydore has state-of-the-art equipment for recording and filming, loads of furniture and backdrop options, and lighting that could even make you look 20 years younger!

Seriously though, whether you want to go the DIY approach and simply hire the studio, or you want a bit more help with video and editing, we can tailor a package to meet your needs.

From filming and editing to posting your podcast to social media, we’re here to make you look awesome!

Social media for businesses is no longer optional – it’s absolutely essential.

More than 95% of Australians use the internet, and more than 80% of those are active on social media. Not using social media for your business means you’re missing out on reaching those 21 million potential customers, and growing your brand will be near impossible.

If those statistics aren’t enough to convince you, here are some other benefits to using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn for your business.

Isn’t social media just another way to sell my products or services?

Social media sites are more than just ad channels. They can help your business perform better in many ways, from helping you respond to customer complaints to attracting new employees. Here’s an overview of the four top reasons social media marketing is worth investing in.

Social media helps your business to:

Top 10 ways social media is good for your business

Not all social media platforms will suit your business, and you don’t have to have a presence on all of them, just the ones your target demographic is likely to use.

Here are the top 10 ways social media can give your business a boost, along with some suggestions on which platforms might be best for you.

1. Get to know your customers

Social media is an easy way to ask your customers directly what they want! (And most people won’t be shy in telling you.) This can also help to build your customers’ engagement with your business by giving them a sense of ownership.

It’s also an effective way to get your customers working with you with user-generated content. For example, creating a hashtag where you can share content, and your followers can get excited about your brand.

You can also use data from social media sites to dictate which direction to take your business and help you target your audience better.

2. Manage your brand’s reputation

Negative attention can be one of the reasons business owners are reluctant to use social media. However, it’s your chance to show how your business responds to negative feedback – and to create a positive image!

Customers are already talking about you, whether or not you are active on social media, so it’s a good idea to get on top of things such as customer complaints before they go viral!

3. Keep the competition close

Social media has great tools to help you keep track of your competition and what people are saying about them. This might allow you to address problems they are having and offer an alternative or solutions. It will also allow you to know when they’re launching new products that might impact your own business.

4. Grow your brand

It doesn’t matter if your business is large, small or service-based, your existing customers will be looking for you on social media.  Having a social presence will allow you to connect with customers who don’t know you exist. In fact, business accounts with fewer followers can benefit from higher engagement rates than bigger brands.

5. Grow your website traffic

One of the best advantages of social media is that it will help direct customers and clients to your website to find out more about you and your business. For example, posting content such as a ‘teaser’ about a podcast, blog, or product can direct people to your website for more information.

6. Humanise your business

Social media is a great way to introduce your followers to your staff and voice your company values. It’s also a great way to show others how people use and benefit from your products or services. Being authentic will help you gain followers and likely turn into sales or new business.

7. The familiarity effect

People are unconsciously drawn to things that are familiar to them. With so many millions of people using social media every day (several times a day), it makes sense to use this to your advantage by having your business at the front of their minds when it comes to buying products or services because they’ve just seen you on social media.

8. Be a source of information

The main reason people use the internet is to find information. No matter what industry you’re in, social media offers the opportunity to establish your brand as an expert in your field. Social media sites such as LinkedIn are great for this sort of information sharing and may even help you find future employees who value your know-how.   

Getting involved in social media by showing you’re an expert in your field can also help drive traffic to your website as people seek out the information they’re looking for.

Social media is also a great way to stay on top of news related to your industry or business.

9. Generate new leads for social sales and target your advertising

Social media is increasingly important for e-commerce and as a way to turn new followers into customers. It is a casual way for people to show interest in your brand or product and a low-cost way for you to connect to those potential customers compared to traditional advertising methods.

It also helps you target your key demographic by using social media analytics to craft messages specifically for the audiences you are trying to reach.  

Another benefit of social media is that it’s an easy way to track your return on investment, from follows right through to purchases.

10. Tap into the influence of others

When it comes to buying products or services, recommendations from friends and reviews are important to people. This is where influencers come in. Even if you don’t think your business can afford to work with influencers or that it aligns with your brand values, there are other ways to tap into that ‘celebrity power’.

Working with smaller content creators on social media is becoming more popular. They don’t have to have hundreds of thousands of followers to help you promote your products. Find content creators with a smaller, more targeted following who align with your brand to help you demonstrate the value of your business.

Where to start when it comes to social media marketing for your business

Social media marketing can be a full-time job for some businesses. But as it’s so crucial, it’s worth investing in for the flow-on effects it has for your entire business.

Handing over the reins to someone else when it comes to social media for your brand, or seeking advice on where to concentrate your efforts, can save you a lot of money and wasted hours scrolling Instagram reels and TikTok.

Moreso, effective social media for businesses requires more than just knowing how to make a post.  It requires knowing how to strategically navigate the competition priorities of social media, like serving your audience while also marketing to them.

Give us a call to get started making social media content that WORKS!

When it comes to strategies, creating and posting content, All In Creative can help you reach your digital goals.

We thrive on seeing our client’s businesses succeed, whether they’re looking for brand recognition or direct sales. Results are important to us! Give us a call today at 1300 993 010, or get in touch with our team to see how we can help you. We are here to help you look awesome!

Welcome to the audio revolution!

From daily news digests to hobbyist chats, true crime sagas to self-help advice, the podcasting landscape is diverse and thriving. But here’s the kicker: as a business, you’re sitting on a potential gold mine.

Here are some statistics to prove it…

Overlook podcasts, and you may be missing out on a massive marketing opportunity.

Intrigued? We bet you are! Let’s explore why podcasting might just be your next marketing game-changer.

This article will give you an overview of:

Why Podcasts?

The last few years have seen an extraordinary surge in a once-underappreciated medium: the podcast. No longer confined to niche audiences, podcasts have broken into the mainstream culture and grabbed our attention in a big way.

You might be wondering, with all the various content formats available – blogs, videos, social media posts, why choose podcasting? 

It’s simple: podcasts offer a unique mix of benefits that other formats can’t quite match.


Podcasts are beautifully easy to consume. While reading an article or watching a video demands a certain level of active engagement, podcasts give your audience the freedom to multitask.

They can listen while commuting, exercising, cooking, or simply relaxing. In today’s fast-paced world, this ability to “passively” consume content is a significant marketing advantage for businesses.

Personal Connection

The audio nature of podcasts promotes a personal connection that’s hard to replicate in written or visual content. When listeners hear your voice in their ears, it cultivates an intimate relationship.

It’s like having a conversation with them, making your brand more relatable and human. Want another bonus? Unlike videos that require users to have a stable internet connection, podcasts can be downloaded and enjoyed offline, enhancing their accessibility.

Enduring content

Podcasts offer longevity that’s rare in the world of digital content. A great podcast episode remains relevant and enjoyable for years, providing evergreen content that continually draws in new listeners.

Podcasting Trends

Podcasting as a medium – and a marketing tool – is THRIVING. You can thank an array of interesting trends for shaping that dynamic digital landscape.

Getting niche

Today, there’s a podcast for almost every interest, hobby, or industry you can imagine. Listeners love this tailored content because it feels like it’s made just for them.

For businesses, this is a gold mine. By creating content that specifically appeals to your target market, you can attract a highly engaged and loyal audience.

For instance, a surf shop in Mooloolaba could run a podcast discussing surfing tips, gear reviews, and local surfing spots. This would naturally attract an audience of surf enthusiasts who are likely to become customers.

Local Focus

With the influx of podcasts on the global scene, there’s a rising interest in content with a local focus. Podcasts that discuss local news, events, or culture can resonate with local listeners.

For example, a Sunshine Coast business could produce a podcast that reflects the local lifestyle can help foster a strong connection with the community. You could then cast a wider net and focus on the greater Queensland or Australian population.


Podcasts provide an excellent platform for collaborators between like-minded creators and businesses. You could consider co-hosting episodes, exchanging guest spots, or discussing topics of mutual interest.

This will help you reach a whole new audience and strengthen your professional network.

Value-Added Content

Listeners are increasingly looking for podcasts that offer more than just entertainment. Educational content, industry insights, practical advice – these are all in high demand.

By offering valuable and informative content, you can build your reputation as experts in your field and attract a loyal audience.

Benefits for Marketers

Podcasting can be a powerful marketing tool for your Sunshine Coast business. By incorporating podcasting into your marketing strategy, you can reap some enticing benefits.

Brand Awareness

Podcasts can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility. When you host a podcast related to your business, you position your brand at the forefront of listeners’ minds.

You’ll reach potential customers who might not have discovered you through traditional advertising channels.

Here’s an example: heard of Bumble? This global dating app has an Australian-based podcast featuring people discussing personal stories of their love lives. The episodes attract singles who are looking to date or hook up, promoting the app to their exact target audience.

Audience Engagement

Podcasts allow for a deeper level of audience engagement than most other marketing mediums. Regular episodes create anticipation and can cultivate a loyal listenership.

What’s more, the conversational tone of podcasts fosters a sense of connection and trust with your audience.

For instance, Blue Apron, an ingredient and recipe meal kit company, has successfully used their podcast, “Why We Eat What We Eat”, to engage their customers.

By discussing food and recipes, they’ve deepened their relationship with their customers and created a loyal community of culinary explorers.

Lead Generation

A well-produced, relevant podcast can be an excellent lead magnet. By providing valuable content to listeners, you attract potential customers to your brand.

From there, you can encourage them to visit your website, subscribe to your mailing list, or check out your products and services.

Direct sales

Over time, a podcast can even drive direct sales. You can use episodes to introduce new products or services, discuss their benefits, and direct listeners to where they can purchase them.

You can also run special promotions or discount codes exclusively for your podcast listeners to incentivise purchases.

Getting Started with Podcast Marketing

Starting a podcast might sound like a daunting task, but with a little planning and the right tools, your business can be recording a podcast in no time. Here are some steps to get you started.

  1. Define Your Podcast

Before you hit the record button, take some time to define your podcast. What topics will you cover? Who is your target audience? What’s your unique angle?

Don’t forget to consider the format: will it be solo, interview-based, or a panel discussion?

  1. Plan Your Episodes

Start with a list of at least 10 episode ideas. This will not only give you a head start but will also help you identify whether you have strong enough material for ongoing content.

  1. Get the Right Equipment

Good audio quality is crucial for podcasting. However, you don’t necessarily need a professional recording studio to get started (although it’s HIGHLY recommended).

A decent USB microphone, a pop filter to reduce noise, and a pair of headphones for sound monitoring should suffice initially. Although if this is unfamiliar territory, getting some help with your recording is well worth the investment!

  1. Choose Your Software

You’ll need software for both recording and editing. Audacity is a popular, free option that’s great for beginners.

Ideally, if you’re using a podcast recording studio, this should be taken care of for you!

  1. Recording and Editing

Record in a quiet, echo-free environment. For editing, cut out mistakes, long pauses, and any unnecessary content to make the episode concise and engaging. If your podcast is lengthy, make sure you’ve either got a producer taking notes for you or you keep track of these edits to make the process easier. 

  1. Hosting and Publishing

Once your podcast episode is ready, you’ll need a podcast host to publish your podcast to platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

You may find podcast studios (like ours!) will take care of this for you, making the process simple.

Podcasting: Your Next Big Marketing Move

In the world of digital marketing, trends come and go, but the rise of podcasting doesn’t seem to be fading away anytime soon.

Podcasts offer a unique and powerful way to connect with audiences, build brand awareness, and drive growth for your business.

Now that you understand the immense potential of podcasting, it’s time to take the leap. But where to start? Right here on the Sunshine Coast, at All In Creative’s brand-new podcast recording studio.

Book a Sunshine Coast Podcast Studio & Start Marketing Your Business

We offer a professional, fully-equipped space where you can bring your podcast vision to life. With high-quality recording equipment and a comfortable, inspiring environment, creating a podcast will be an exciting new adventure for your business.

At All In Creative, we’re dedicated to helping local businesses on the Sunshine Coast shine in the digital realm. Let us help you launch your podcast, engage your audience, and elevate your brand.

Why wait? Get in touch with us today, and we can get started on turning your business into the next podcast sensation.